SN/K 581 Aldersinkluderende samfunn |
ISO/TC 314 Ageing societies |
SN/K 551 Ledelsessystemer for arbeidsmiljø |
ISO/TC 283 Occupational health and safety management |
SN/K 611 Avfall og gjenvinning |
CEN/TC 183 Waste management |
ISO/TC 297 Waste collection and transportation management |
SN/K 543 Avfallshåndtering |
SN/K 250 Bank- og finansielle tjenester |
ISO/TC 68 Financial services |
Biltilpasninger for sjåfører og passasjerer av motorkjøretøyer |
CEN/WS 069 Car-Adaptations for Drivers and Passengers of Motor Vehicles |
ISO/TC 22 Road vehicles |
SN/K 500 Biologisk mangfold |
ISO/TC 331 Biodiversity |
SN/K 15 Brannsikkerhet i bygninger |
CEN/TC 127 Fire safety in buildings |
ISO/TC 92 Fire safety |
SN/K 147 Bærekraftig emballasje |
CEN/TC 261 Packaging |
ISO/TC 122 Packaging |
SN/K 548 Bærekraftige lokalsamfunn |
CEN/CLC/ETSI/SF-SSCC CEN-CENELEC-ETSI Sector Forum on Smart and Sustainable Cities and Communities |
ISO/TC 268 Sustainable cities and communities |
CEN/TC 465 Sustainable Cities and Communities |
Bærekraftig rehabilitering av byggverk |
CEN/TC 350/WG 8 Sustainable refurbishment |
SN/K 599 Delingsøkonomi |
ISO/TC 324 Sharing economy |
SN/K 624 Digitalt Produkt Pass (DPP) |
CEN/CLC/JTC 24 Digital Product Passport |
SN/K 254 E-handel og elektroniske forretningsprosesser |
CEN/TC 440 Electronic Public Procurement
CEN/TC 434 Electronic Invoicing
SN/K 587 E-helse |
CEN/TC 251 Health informatics
ISO/TC 215 Health informatics |
SN/K 263 Forbrukerkontrakter til bustadoppføringslova |
Forbrukerbeskyttelse: Personvern ved design for forbrukervarer og tjenester |
ISO/PC 317 Consumer protection: privacy by design for consumer goods and services |
Forbrukerinformasjon |
ISO/PC 335 Guidelines for organizations to increase consumer understanding of online terms and conditions |
Forbrukergarantier |
ISO/PC 303 Guidelines on consumer warranties and guarantees |
Forbruksmateriell i helse |
CEN/TC 205 Non-active medical devices
CEN/CLC/JTC 3 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices
ISO/TC 210 Quality management and corresponding general aspects for medical devices
ISO/TC 76 Transfusion, infusion and injection, and blood processing equipment for medical and pharmaceutical use
ISO/TC 84 Devices for administration of medicinal products and catheters
Gambling / nettgambling |
CEN/TC 456 Online gambling |
Retningslinjer for mikro-SMB-er om overholdelse av EUs personvernforordning (GDPR) |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology |
Gransking av forbrukerhendelser |
ISO/PC 329 Consumer incident investigation guideline |
SN/K 270 Grafiske symboler |
ISO/TC 145 Graphical symbols |
SN/K 568 Helseledelse |
ISO/TC 304 Healthcare Organization Management |
SN/K 106 Hjelpemidler og tilgjengelighet |
CEN/TC 293 Assistive products and accessibility |
ISO/TC 168 Prosthetics and orthotics
ISO/TC 173 Assistive products
Husholdningsprodukter |
CLC/TC 61 Sikkerhet for husholdninger og lignende elektriske apparater |
SN/K 171 Informasjonssikkerhet, cybersikkerhet og personvern |
CEN/CLC/JTC Cybersecurity and Data Protection |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology |
SN/K 586 Kunstig intelligens |
CEN/CLC/JTC 21 Artificial Intelligence |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology |
SN/K 149 Kvalitetsledelse (brukertilfredshet) |
CEN/SS F20 Quality assurance |
ISO/TC 176 Quality management and quality assurance
ISO/TC 312 Excellence in service
SN/K 618 Ledelsessystem for FNs bærekraftsmål |
ISO/PC 343 Sustainable development goals management |
Leketøy |
CEN/TC 52 Safety of toys |
ISO/TC 181 Safety of toys |
SN/K 186 Læringsteknologi |
CEN/TC 353 Technologies supporting education and learning processes |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology |
SN/K 540 Mangfold og ledelse |
ISO/TC 309 Governance of organizations |
SN/K 137 Mat (ikke speilkomité, men enkeltstående eksperter) |
CEN/TC 275 Food analysis - Horizontal methods
CEN/TC 327 Animal feeding stuffs - Methods of sampling and analysis
CEN/TC 338 Cereal and cereal products
CEN/TC 460 Food Authenticity
CEN/TC 463 Microbiology of the food chain
CEN/SS C01 Food Products
ISO/TC 34 Food products |
Menstruasjonsprodukter |
ISO/TC 338 Menstrual products |
SN/K 127 Miljøledelse |
CEN/SS S26 Environmental management |
ISO/TC 207 Environmental management |
SN/K 255 Miljøprogram og miljøoppfølgingsplan for ytre miljø for BAE |
SN/K 019 Møbler |
CEN/TC 207 Furniture
CEN/TC 364 High chairs and learning towers
CEN/TC 248 Textiles and textile products
CEN/TC 443 Feather and down
ISO/TC 136 Furniture |
Omsorgshunder / førerhund |
CEN/TC 452 Assistance Dogs |
SN/K 188 Person-ID (ikke speilkomité, men enkeltstående eksperter)
(SN/K 163 Grunnlagsstandarder IKT skal fungere som en samlekomité)
CEN/TC 224 Personal identification and related personal devices with secure element, systems, operations and privacy in a multi sectorial environment |
ISO/IEC JTC 1 Information technology |
SN/K 609 Plast i miljø |
CEN/TC 249 Plastics |
ISO/TC 61 Plastics |
SN/K 239 Risiko |
ISO/TC 262 Risk management |
SN/K 211 Samfunnssikkerhet |
CEN/TC 391 Societal and Citizen Security |
ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience |
Sanitærutstyr |
CEN/TC 163 Sanitary appliances |
SN/K 608 Sikringsbelysning |
SN/K 583 Sirkulær økonomi |
CEN/TC 473 Circular Economy |
ISO/TC 323 Circular economy |
Sport og fritid, lekeplasser oa |
CEN/TC 136 Sports playground and other recreational facilities and equipment / Sport, lekeplass og andre rekreasjonsfasiliteter og utstyr |
ISO/TC 83 Sports and other recreational facilities and equipment |
Sårbare forbrukere |
ISO/PC 311 Vulnerable consumers |
SN/K 621 Sirkulære verdikjeder for tekstiler |
CEN/TC 248 WG 39 Circular economy for textile products and the textile chain |
ISO/TC 38 WG 35 Environmental aspects |
SN/K 292 Tilstandsanalyse av boliger |
Transport og logistikk |
CEN/TC 320 Transport - Logistics and services |
SN/K 607 Universell utforming – Digitale Læremidler |
SN/K 212 Universell utforming - symboler og piktogrammer |
SN/K 24 Universell utforming av byggverk |
CEN/CLC/JTC 11 Accessibility in the built environment |
ISO/TC 59 Buildings and civil engineering works |
SN/K 289 Universell utforming av uteområder |
SN/K 615 Universell utforming av elbilladere |
SN/K 386 Vannberedskap, drikkevann og hydrometri |
CEN/TC 318 Hydrometry
CEN/TC 164 Water supply
ISO/TC 224 Drinking water, wastewater and stormwater
ISO/TC 113 Hydrometry