Service levels for subscriptions

We offer a selection of subscriptions where you, as a customer, can choose what suits you best.

Customize subscriptions to suit your needs

There are big differences among companies and organizations in how they use standards. In addition, there may also be different needs within a company. Therefore, we offer several different subscriptions with different service levels that allow you to customize and tailor subscriptions according to your own needs.

You can also create several different subscriptions with different service levels, for different users with different standards - all depending on your specific needs.

Read more about subscriptions

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Our service levels
  Student Education Basic Plus Pro Software Global*
Read online x x x x x x x
Updated editions x x x x x x x
Print   (x) x x x x x
Offline       x x x  
Multi-language       x x x  
Withdrawn       x x x  
Cut&Paste         x x  
Software           x  

More about the services included in the subscriptions

Read online

Read the content of the standard in our reading window. The reading window adjusts to your screen, and you don't need to download a PDF reader. Learn more about reading tool for standards.

Updated editions

With a subscription, you always have the latest edition of the standards you subscribe to. You don't need to purchase new versions when they are released; they will automatically be added to your subscription.


Unlimited number of printouts.


The option to download a standard locally to your own PC is available. This way, you have the standard accessible even when you are not connected to the internet.


Access to all languages available for a standard.

  • With a Basic subscription, you receive the standards only in the language selected as the primary language in the subscription. If a standard is not available in the language you have chosen as the primary language, you will receive the standard in the language it is available in (mostly Norwegian or English). For example, if Norwegian is your primary language and a standard is not available in Norwegian, you will receive the English version instead.
  • Plus, Pro, and Software subscriptions support multi-language, meaning you get both language versions whenever a standard is available in multiple languages.


Retain access to withdrawn standards in your subscription when they are replaced with new, updated editions.


Opportunity to copy and paste text from standards into your own internal systems. Read more about enhanced access to use of standards content with a Pro subscription and Cust&Paste.


Access to utilize standard content in 3rd party software. Read more about enhanced access to use of standards content with a Software subscription.


* Global is a subscription and service level we offer for standards and documents from suppliers other than NS, NEK, NORSOK, CEN (EN), CENELEC, ISO, and IEC. If you want to subscribe to standards and documents from providers such as API, ASTM, ASME, IEEE, AGA, NACE, SAE, CSA, ASCE, AS, and more, then this subscription is for you. Please note that the suppliers we offer may change.


If you are a student and need access to standards, we can offer you a Student subscription at a favorable price. With this subscription, you will have reading access to NS, IEC, ISO, and NEK standards, totaling over 50,000 valid standards. For more information, please refer to our page about subscription for students. Only available for students in Norway.


We offer Education subscription with or without the option of printing. For more information, please refer to our page about subscription for schools (in Norwegian). Only available for institutions in Norway.

Martin Mjøs-Haugland, kvalitetssjef i Grieg Seafood

Grieg Seafood saves time and money by using standards

At Grieg Seafood, they actively use standards. This not only ensures the company market access but also helps in prioritizing correctly.

Read more (in Norwegian)