Presentations from the seminar on international standardization in the reliability technology and cost area

Standards Norway and Statoil hosted a seminar in Stavanger 26 April 2016. ISOs involvement was by the working group, ISO/TC 67/WG4 Reliability engineering and technology. Achieving sustainable business performance by qualified implementation and use of oil and gas standards is today of key importance for the global petroleum industry. The seminar gave an opportunity for the Norwegian petroleum industry and others to learn how existing and new multi-disciplinary international ISO standards are enablers for cost-efficiency, risk reduction, and minimizing carbon footprint. Specific focus was given to the standards ISO 14224 Reliability and maintenance data which is under revision and the new ISO 19008 Cost coding system which is under development.

Presentations at the seminar

Session 1 - Management and the Standardization approach

Session 2  - Industry collaborations and ISO standards business usage

Session 3 - The Importance of Safety and Cost