ONS 2022 Standardization Session: Standardization accelerates value creation in the Oil and Gas Sector – Energy Transition

The ISO standardization committee on petroleum, IOGP’s Standards Committee and Standards Norway hosted the standardization session “Standardization accelerates value creation in the Oil and Gas Sector - Energy transition” at ONS 2022 in Stavanger Tuesday 30 August. Here you can find the presentations from the session.

The oil and gas sector and the energy transition require safe, reliable, cost-effective, and sustainable facilities and operations. The accelerated use of international standards will be essential for achieving business objectives and showing environmental stewardship to secure and maintain lower carbon energy supply.

The objective of the standardization session was for the global and national key stakeholders to inform and discuss ongoing industry collaborations and new standardization activities being undertaken. The key speakers and panelists included management from the international standards development committee, ISO/TC 67, industry stakeholders like IOGP executives, major operators and engineering contractor & suppliers, and the Norwegian Petroleum Safety Authority (PSA).

Presentations for downloading

Why standards for petroleum industry?

See interview with three key actors at ONS 2022.


If you have questions, please contact Standards Norway at petroleum@standard.no.