I have problems logging in

Please try the following steps if you are having trouble logging in.

You are now on our new website, and to log in, you cannot use the same password that you used on our old website.

  1. If you have previously had a username and password, you must register as a new user. If you are affiliated with a company, choose company customer, otherwise, choose private customer.
  2. If you receive a message that the user is registered, you can click on "Log in," scroll down to the bottom of the page, and request a "Resend activation link." You will receive an activation link to the provided email address, activate your user, and create a new password.
  3. If you have a subscription, the subscription administrator can also be contacted if you are unsure whether you have a registered user with the right access. Contact the administrator directly if you have questions about access and user information.

NOTE: Office 365 Single Sign-On can only be used if the company has agreed to this with Standard Online AS. Check with the administrator in your company if you are unsure.

Contact support@standard.no if you still experience problems.