Supplementary files for U-100 Manned underwater operations (2023)

This NORSOK standard defines basic requirements for personnel, equipment and systems for MUOs within the petroleum industry.

Supplementary files

The files are presentet in Word format (new versions by January 2024).

These supplementary files are published in PDF format. It should be possible to make necessary fill-ins on the form in a PDF reader. If it proves difficult nonetheless, the files can be opened in a word processing program, such as Word, but some of the formatting may be compromised.

Filene er publisert i PDF-format. Det skal være mulig å gjøre nødvendige utfyllinger av skjemaet i en PDF-leser. Dersom det viser seg vanskelig å få til likevel, kan filene åpnes i et tekstbehandlingsprogram, f.eks. Word, men da kan noe av formatteringen bli ødelagt.

Technical information

If a company wants to give additional information to this standard, we provide a link to the web site of that company, but to give correct and adequate information is the company's responsibility.
