Next generation Eurocodes (second-generation)
A new generation of Eurocodes, referred to as the second-generation Eurocodes, is currently under development and is scheduled for completion between 2023 and 2027. In Norway, the complete set of Eurocodes will be published in 2028, and until then, the first-generation Eurocodes will remain the applicable standards. The content of the second-generation Eurocodes will be accessible as so-called prestandards until the official release.
The various parts of the second-generation Eurocodes will be finalized between 2023 and 2027. Following the approach of several other European standardization organizations, Standard Norway has decided to publish all Eurocodes, along with their respective national annexes (NA), as a complete set at the beginning of 2028.
All first-generation Eurocodes, including their national annexes, will remain valid Norwegian standards until the release of the second-generation Eurocodes. They will be withdrawn simultaneously with the publication of the new standards.
The decision to release the Eurocodes together with their national annexes and make prestandards available was made after thorough evaluations and discussions with industry stakeholders.
Until the complete publication of the second-generation Eurocodes in 2028, their content will be made available as Norwegian Prestandards (SN-EN). These prestandards are published to provide the industry with an opportunity to familiarize itself with the new content.
The prestandards for the Eurocodes do not replace the first-generation Eurocodes. They are standalone products and will not be superseded by the second-generation Eurocodes upon their release.
Important Information for Subscribers
Subscribers to Eurocodes will not automatically gain access to the Norwegian Prestandards. These must be purchased separately and added to subscriptions as new products.
Important Changes
The work on the second generation of Eurocodes began in 2012 at the request of the European Commission. The goal is to improve the existing Eurocodes, expand their scope, and enhance usability.
Some key changes include:
- Updates based on the latest research and methods
- Reduction in the number of nationally determined parameters
- Introducing provisions for the assessment, re-use and retrofitting of existing structures
- Improved provisions for robustness
- Addition of three new Eurocodes for glass, fiber-reinforced polymers (FRP), and membranes
Standard Norway's Strategy for the second generation Eurocodes
Standard Norway has actively contributed to the development of the main parts of the Eurocodes within CEN, incorporating Norwegian perspectives. A systematic approach to national annexes and background documentation has been a priority.
National annexes (NA)
The work on national annexes for the second generation of Eurocodes includes a new template, a focus on Nordic harmonization in NA, and improvements in background documentation.
New template for national annexes
Standards Norway has developed a new template for Eurocode NAs with the following improvements:
- Enhanced user-friendliness
- Avoidance of duplicating content from the main part; recommended values from the main part are not repeated if followed
- Includes only clauses where national provisions or additional information (NCCI) are needed
Nordic harmonization
Standards Norway emphasizes harmonization within the Nordic countries. If national provisions are proposed, their alignment with other Nordic countries will be assessed.
This approach aims to increase harmonization within Europe and supports the Eurocodes goal of fostering consistency across countries.
Background documentation
Improving background documentation for national decisions is a key part of Standards Norway's strategy. This marks an improvement from the national annexes of the first generation of Eurocodes.
The documentation is especially crucial where Norway deviates from recommended values or makes independent choices.
Language and translations
In the first generation of Eurocodes, the main parts were in English, with some sections translated into Norwegian, while NAs were always developed in Norwegian. This created a language discrepancy between the main parts and the NAs.
To improve usability and consistency across Europe, the second generation of Eurocodes will have the main parts and NAs in the same language, primarily English. If needed, both the main parts and NAs will be translated into Norwegian.
Upcoming amendment sheets
Amendments consist of technical and editorial changes to an already published standard. Work on the first amendments for the second generation of Eurocodes has already begun.
These amendments address the need to update normative cross-references to other Eurocodes and make necessary technical and editorial corrections.
The amendments will also be issued as prestandards on an ongoing basis.
More information
- European Commisions pages about second generation of the eurocodes
- The Eurocode committee, CEN/TC 250, has produced a video series titled "Eurocodes evolution explained" which addresses key questions and details the development of the second generation of Eurocodes.
- Videos on what's new: During the EUROCODE Conference 2023, it was presented what is new in each part of the eruocodes.