Revised version of NORSOK Z-008 is on enquiry

NORSOK Z-008 has undergone a regular systematic revision, including edits and additions to the text, to ensure the quality and relevance of the standard. The industry is hereby invited to review the proposal for new standard.

Okjeplattfrom at sea at sunset
Photo: Pexels

NORSOK Z-008:2024 supersedes NORSOK Z-008:2017. The main changes since last edition are simplified descriptions regarding technical safety, updated information, addition of an annex regarding addressing climate change and sub-clauses on quality assurance and additive manufacturing, and improved consistency of the standard. This is to improve the quality and ensure the relevance of the standard. 

Give your feedback

Please find the document and provide your feedback in our enquiry portal:

Deadline: 2024-07-10.

Scope of NORSOK Z-008:2024

This document is applicable for preparation and optimisation of maintenance activities for all plant systems and items.

The principles of consequence classification and the maintenance task selection process is applicable to all types of items, and to all types of failure modes and failure mechanisms covered by this document. For some types of items, it is typical to perform other specific analysis to identify failure characteristics, failure frequencies and mitigating tasks. This include, among others, load bearing structures, static pressure equipment, risers and pipelines.

This document is developed with the oil and gas industry in mind, but the principles within can be applied to any industry, including manufacturing or processing plants, ships or maritime facilities and energy plants or installations.

This document covers:

  • definition of relevant nomenclature;
  • brief description of main work flow related to maintenance and which elements this typically involves;
  • definition of risk model and failure consequence classes;
  • guidelines for consequence classification, including:

- functional breakdown of plants and plant systems in MFs and SFs;
- identification of MF and SF redundancy;
- assessment of the consequences of loss of MFs and SFs;
- assignment of equipment to SFs and associated consequence classes.

  • description of how to establish an initial maintenance program, and how to update an existing program;
  • description on how to use the classification in combination with probability for decision making related to prioritising work orders and handling spare parts.

For further questions please contact project manager Cecilie Skiple in Standards Norway.