How to view usage statistics?

Usage statistics show the number of times and the most recent date your subscription’s standards have been accessed. Only subscription administrators have access to this information.

On your account at, you can view usage statistics if you are an administrator, and you can also download a more detailed report in Excel. In the report, you also have the option to see the number of users of the subscription. If you have multiple subscriptions, the report will take this into account.

Information about the use of standards in a subscription should only be used for managing the subscription, assessing which standards should be included in the subscription, access control, and similar purposes.

How to find usage statistics

Log in to and click on your name in the top right corner (or the hamburger menu if you are using a small screen), then click Account. In the menu, you select Statistics.

 Visning av innlogging
How to access statistics.

The statistics show the number of times and the most recent date your subscription’s standards have been accessed.

In the search field, you can enter the desired standard and the period you want information about. If you want to see all standards, leave the search field empty.

How to view a more detailed report in Excel

If you want to see which users have accessed which standards along with the date, click Download report. An Excel file with a detailed report will then be downloaded.

 Visning av hvordan man laster ned rapport
How to access a more detailed excel-report.
 Visning av hvordan man laster ned rapport
Excel-sheet will look like this. 

If you want to know how many employees have user access to the subscription, you can remove duplicates in column A by going to the Data tab and selecting Remove duplicates. In the warning that appears, choose Column A and then OK.

 Visning av hvordan man fjerner duplikat
How to remove duplicates.
 Illustrasjon for varsel
How to remove duplicates.

Now the redundant columns are removed, and you can see the number of users in the different subscriptions (if you have more than one).

Illustrasjon etter duplikater er fjernet
All duplicates removed.