NORSOK D-010 and well integrity for carbon storage wells

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) wells are constructed for safe injection and storage of CO2. SINTEF has performed a study to evaluate the applicability of the NORSOK D-010 for CCS-wells.

Platform far out at sea
Photo: iStock

Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) wells are constructed for safe injection and storage of CO2. On Norwegian Continental Shelf these wells are designed and drilled under the same regulations as for petroleum wells, including the standard “NORSOK D‐010 Well integrity in drilling and well operations”.

To evaluate the applicability of the NORSOK D-010 for CCS-wells a study has been performed with the objective to establish an improved understanding of differences between CCS-wells and petroleum wells. This has been performed by establishing a general overview of well design requirements for the different type of wells. Associated risks have been evaluated with regards to structural integrity.

The study has been prepared by SINTEF for the Sectorial Board Petroleum, Low carbon and Offshore renewables. Representatives from the Norwegian Ocean Industry Authority (Havtil) and companies represented in NORSOK/EG D have given guidance and submitted comments the study.

The study shows that the well construction for a CCS-well is relatively like petroleum wells, but due to CO2’s properties as a well fluid, different load pattern during the operation phase and potential longer lifetime for the well, it will have a different risk picture for well integrity.

The result from the study will be followed up through the revision of the standard NORSOK D-010 that is planned to be initiated at the end of 2024.

The report can be downloaded here: CCS Well Design Requirements

For more information, please contact Project Manager in Standards Norway, Per-Thorbjørn Rygh.