Web-based course: Use of ISO/TR 12489 for Reliability Modelling and Calculation of Safety Systems in the Oil & gas industries including lower carbon energy

The 16-17 September 2024, a web-based course on ISO/TR 12489 standard will be arranged, organized by the ISO/TC 67 Working Group: Reliability engineering and technology. Hosted by the University of Stavanger. Registration in advance is required.

touch screen with image of platform
Photo: iStock

Risk management to safely operate the assets of the global energy industries is one of the key drivers of these industries and among the risk management, the design of reliable safety systems takes a prime importance. The demonstration of the reliability of these safety systems relies on qualitative demonstration in association with quantitative probabilistic demonstration. These probabilistic approaches are encouraged by regulations (e.g. SEVESO directive) or widely recognized standards (e.g. the SIL approach recommended for safety instrumented systems by the IEC 61508 standard and the sectoral derived standards like IEC 61511 related to process systems). ISO/TR 12489, which has been adopted and used in more than 35 countries, provides guidance on the techniques that can be used according to safety system type and its operation mode and consequently strengthens reliability assessments of safety systems in the industry.
This advisory course will demonstrate how this ISO Technical Report can be used to assess the reliability of the safety systems and increase confidence in the risk management of the oil & gas industries including lower carbon energy (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia, CCS, offshore wind and other renewables). The course will provide practical guidance for how to use the ISO/TR 12489 for reliability modelling and calculation of safety systems to enable the stakeholders selecting the appropriate modelling technique by providing a sound specific probabilistic background and the applicability of the different techniques, from simplified formulae to more complex simulations (Markovian approach and Petri nets).
The course will provide guidance for how to apply and address:

  • Terms and definitions
  • Safety systems and systems with safety functions (including multiple safety systems)
  • Typical challenges of safety systems
  • Reliability data sources
  • Markovian approach
  • Simplified formulae for simple systems, redundant systems and multiple systems
  • Boolean approaches: Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD) and Fault Trees (FT)
  • Petri nets approach
  • Applications to oil &gas industries, hydrogen production, offshore wind and other lower carbon energy production systems,
  • Relationships to ISO 14224 and ISO 20815

Participation at this course will be a unique opportunity to get knowledge and obtain a skillset on reliability modelling. The inter-relationship to IEC 61511 (Functional safety -Safety instrumented systems for the process industry sector) will also be addressed in the course.
This course is organized as a web-based course, by the ISO/TC 67 Working Group: Reliability engineering and technology and in administrative support from Standards Norway, and in cooperation with the University of Stavanger.

Time and location

Time: Monday 16 September 2024 and Tuesday 17 September 2024, both days 2.00 pm - 6.00 pm, Central European Time (CET)
Please note that this course is arranged as two consecutive half days.
Location: Web-based and TotalEnergies CSTJF in Pau (France)
A link will be sent to all registered participants in advance of the course.

Registration and deadline

Advance registration is required by early Friday 5 July 2024. Please note that the registration is binding at date of deadline.

If you need information about the possibility for after deadline registration, please send an email to kommunikasjon@standard.no.
If you are interested in this course topic, but are unable to attend 16-17 September 2024, you can indicate this in our registration form “Registration of interest”, and we will contact you if we plan another similar event regarding ISO/TR 12489 at a later date. This form will be possible to fill in after the deadline of 5 July 2024.
Course fee: NOK 4500
Registration contact: kommunikasjon@standard.no
Course contact: Jon T. Selvik, jon.t.selvik@uis.no
ISO/TR 12489 project leader: Nicolas Berne, LGM, nicolas.berne@lgm.fr
ISO/TC67/WG4 convenor: Runar Østebø, Equinor,  runos@equinor.com


Reliability calculation and modelling of safety systems or systems with a safety function is the assessment that the system will meet its risk reduction objective according to Company rules and Authorities regulations. The reliability calculation methodology depends on the specificities and the challenges of the system under study. These different methodologies together with their benefits and limitations and typical applications within the O&G industry, including lower carbon industries (e.g., hydrogen, ammonia, CCS, offshore wind and other renewables) will be presented as shown in the course agenda.
Proper reliability calculation encompasses then selection of the appropriate methodology and use of trustful reliability and maintenance data. Thus, the different parts of ISO/TR 12489 will be presented and its relation to other interrelated ISO documents developed by ISO/TC67/WG4 (i.e., ISO 14224 and ISO 20815) as well as to IEC 61508 and IEC 61511 will be highlighted.

Target groups

  • Operators
  • Contractors
  • Vendors/Manufacturers/Suppliers
  • Consultancies
  • Authorities
  • Academia


  • Maïder Estécahandy, TotalEnergies, ISO/TR 12489 member
  • Jean-Pierre Signoret, TPA (TotalEnergies Professeurs Associés)
  • Nicolas Berne, LGM, ISO/TR 12489 Interim Project Leader
  • Runar Østebø, Equinor, ISO/TC67/WG4 convenor

Maïder Estécahandy is member of the project group ISO/TR 12489 since 2022. PhD in applied mathematics with a specialization in probability and statistics from the University of Pau (UPPA, France) in 2016, Maïder Estécahandy worked as Reliability engineer in Alstom until 2021. Then, she joined TotalEnergies in 2021 as Reliability engineer and GRIF project manager, in charge of both development activities and all associated support services. In parallel, she belongs to TPA (TotalEnergies Associated Professors), and temporary employee at the University Pau since 2019 where she is member of the Master in Applied Mathematics Development Committee.

Jean-Pierre Signoret is the previous project leader of ISO/TR 12489. He worked for more than 50 years in the safety and dependability field (Nuclear and oil & Gas industries). He has been chairman or ESRA (European Safety and Reliability Association) and vice-chairman of ISDF (French Institute for safety and dependability). Retired from TOTAL, he belongs now to TPA (TotalEnergies Associated Professors) and participates to various standardisation committees related to dependability and functional safety (ISO and IEC). He is the main author of the book "Reliability Assessment of Safety and Production Systems" (SPRINGER 2021).

Nicolas Berne is the Interim project leader of ISO/TR 12489. He has worked for 10 years in LGM in safety systems reliability assessment and production availability assessment in the oil & gas, including lower carbon (CCS, hydrogen) industries. He has a previous 12 years’ experience as safety engineer and safety systems engineering lead for major Contractors such as Technip Energies and Saipem in a significant number of offshore surface installation projects in FEED and EPC phase (Platforms, FPSOs, FLNGs).

Runar Østebø is an Advisor in Equinor for subsea technology and operations and has also corporate responsibilities with respect to technology qualification and standardization. He is member of ISO/TC67 management committee and has been involved and responsible for ISO standards development during the last 25 years. He has been the OREDA JIP Steering chairman for a 10-year period, responsible for oil company OREDA data collections over a 20-year period. His experience includes reliability management roles for a multitude of national/international oil & gas projects (technology, field development and operations) during his 32 years in Equinor. He has also 10 years previous experience in international risk management consultancy and in drilling & well research, also as blowout expert. 


All times are given in CET (Central European Time)

Day 1 – Monday 16 September 2024

  • 1400 (1) Welcome, course objectives & HSE moment
  • 1415 (2) Brief overview of ISO/TC67/WG4 activities
  • 1435 (3) Safety systems and systems with safety functions (including multiple safety systems) and associated typical challenges
  • 1450 (4) Key terms and definitions
  • Short break
  • 1530 (5) General overview of the ISO/TR 12489
  • 1550 (6) Reliability data and relations with ISO 14224 and ISO 20815
  • Short break
  • 1630 (7) Simplified formulae for simple systems, redundant systems and multiple systems
  • 1710 (8) Application example
  • 1750 Wrap-up Day 1
  • 1800 End of Day 1

Day 2 – Tuesday 17 September 2024

  • 1400 (9) Markovian approach
  • 1440 (10) Application example
  • Short break
  • 1520 (11) Boolean approaches: Reliability Block Diagrams (RBD) and Fault Trees (FT)
  • 1550 (12) Application example
  • Short break
  • 1630 (13) Petri nets approach 
  • 1700 (14) Application example
  • 1730 (15) Q&A session with course participants regarding life reliability calculation and safety systems
  • 1800 End of course

Note: By participating to the course, each participant will receive a unique and large course compendium and a course certificate.